2016 Week 11 Recap: Eating Galore

March 14-20, 2016 Work So, while we were busy closing all the issues on a major project so that we can move on to the next stage, a teammate accidentally discovered that our system is running out of employee numbers in the 6 series. End result if we don’t fix...

Gardening: How I Planted Pechay

This year, I’ll try growing some vegetables in the apartment. I only have a “balcony” outside the window to put my pots. Also, given the weather in Manila, I’m not sure if my plants will survive but I still want to try it anyway. It will also...

2016 Week 6 Recap: Of Work and Parties

February 8-14, 2016 Kung Hei Fat Choi! And then there was Ash Wednesday, which I was able to wake up early to attend mass. And Valentines Day. Too many events in one week. Work Work has been busy but better busy than nothing to do at all. Finally, the vendor showed up...