How I Migrated My Blog to my Own Domain

I wanted to have my own domain for the longest time – around 5 years already. It’s in my bucket list. Whey it took me this long? I don’t know. Oh, wait…budget hahaha. Before, I found all service providers to be expensive. Even the yearly...

New Home in the World Wide Web!

Hello! Welcome to my new home in cyberspace. I finally got myself my own domain after procrastinating for years hehehe. I was itching to already get one since ealry this year so here it is. 🙂 There are still a lot of stuff to fix and I’ll be working on these on...

How to add Excel Files to Blogger

Was looking for ways of posting my travel expenses in Excel format because 1) I want it to be in Tables and Cells format and 2) I was tired of copying and pasting everything from Excel to Blogger. Thanks to Google, I found this.How to: Add Excel Files to...

New Name, New Look

Ok, I’ve finally settled with a new blog name/URL. From now on, this blog shall be called Sayote Kingdom.I grew up in a place where the people’s main source of income, including my family, is growing and harvesting sayote. I even think that our place (and another...


I’ve seen it in other blogs and I wanted it in my blog too. It’s pretty simple. Just visit the LinkWithin site here and follow the instructions.