June 12-18, 2017

Yes, Monday at last. Another week to work on our life goals. While it’s easy to get carried away and complain that Monday came too quickly, I’d like to veer away from that mindset as much as I can.

But let’s talk about last week. And I have nothing much to share yet again hahaha.

The highlight at work was that I was able to convince the team to use just one criteria for the first round of eliminations of the vendors. I’m happy to report that they all agreed to it so we are now moving on to the next steps. Whew.

And then there’s the weekend where I was only able to study and do this week’s assignments! When I watch the videos, it sounds easy but when I’m already doing it, it’s really really challenging especially when you conceptualize on the look and feel. Other than that, I am enjoying immensely because I am learning a lot, not just pure theories but with hands on exercises as well. That makes learning really more effective.

I am tired to be honest. I was not getting enough sleep. It was my nephew’s first week at his OJT and we almost have the same shift. So whenever I arrive home, he would usually share how his day was and that’s until the wee hours of the morning.

But all’s good. Life is good.

By the way, remember when a friend shopped for me? Her box where my pair of shoes was, arrived last week so the shoes is now with me. It’s so pretty I’m hesitant to wear it because it might get dirty hahaha. I’ll find the chance to wear it soon.

I am working on an aspect of my personal life. I think I had too much negativity in that area and I don’t like the effect. I miss the more peaceful times so I’ll work on it to bring it back. So help me God.

The end.

Have a blessed week ahead.