June 5-11, 2017

I was busy all week both with work and non-work. I was even supposed to go home over the long weekend. I already had tickets booked, but I had to reschedule it for July. The reason?

I enrolled in an online training. The gist: I have videos to watch, do some hands-on practice as applicable and then assignments. I mistakenly understood the deliverables every week. I thought there were only 3 assignments. Apparently, there were 7. And so, I needed all the free time I have to work on those assignments. I started on Saturday afternoon and I just submitted the last batch around 2 hours ago. Hagardo much pramis. But I learned a lot during the first week and I’m loving it so far. I’ll write more about this when I’m done in a month just to be sure that I am able to write about the whole experience.

The mass, the quick house cleaning, and ironing of this week’s clothes were the only breaks from the assignments.

The end.

Hope you will all have a blessed week ahead.