Day 01 | Day 02 | Day 03 | Day 04 | Day 05 | Day 06 | Day 07 | Day 08 | Day 09

Day 10: Your guilty pleasure (or pleasures!)

Here are some.

  1. Bought all the Sweet Dreams books that I can find in Ebay PH 10 years ago. Yes, hehe. It was so much a part of my high school life, thanks to one rich classmate who was willing to lend her books to us less fortunate classmates who can’t afford to buy one. And when I had the moolah, I collected them for my library. I’m not sure if I’m missing some titles but if yes, maybe just a few 😀 .
  2. Cheetos and Cadbury chocolates. I’m a stress eater. I always crave for these when I’m stressed 😛 .
  3. Sleeping late without being interrupted. I don’t have jam-packed weekends anymore. I prefer staying at home and sleeping hehehe.
  4. Watching a TV series non-stop. When I start, I can’t stop even if it means having shorter hours of sleep. Not good, but I can’t wait until after a few hours before continuing 😛 .
  5. Answering those quizzes that I see in my FB feed even if I know those are all just for fun. Just out of curiosity. But the next thing I know, I’m on the next quiz and the next and the next until ooopppsss, an hour has passed already. but I’m just really curious about the results. I don’t post them on FB though hahaha!
  6. Spending so much time reading gossip online.
  7. Going for takeout food instead of cooking my own food, thereby also learning how to cook. Cooking and I really don’t have any mutual understanding at any point in time since way back hehehehe. P.S. Dear BF, wag nang umasa. I tried. I failed.  😛  😀  😳
  8. Bejewelled-type games. I think I have downloaded most of it in all my gadgets. When I don’t have lives in one gadget, I move on to the next gadget while waiting for the lives to come back in the other gadget. I can waste my weekends only with this. But I have lessened these games since then. Because while it is really pleasurable, I feel guilty most of the time for wasting so much time hehehe.
  9. Eating out and going overboard with orders. While I enjoy the food and drinks, my wallet doesn’t and so I’d feel guilty hahaha!
  10. Procrastinating especially when laziness hits. And then feeling guilty for procrastinating later on when you need to cram to finish things. Bleh.

Ok. 10. Enough.