COPNalyn_smI was able to get my OFW niece’s confirmation of participation from BDO last Thursday. I’ve shared in one of my posts before that I encouraged her to set up an investment account before leaving for her place of employment, so that she has a facility to put in her savings.

I’m glad that she listened to my advice and realized the importance of starting early. I am happy that she is still committed to her savings plan for her daughter’s college fund. I’m thankful with the technology because she is just a PM away when I want to randomly check on her savings goals. I pray that she will be blessed with a steady source of income so that she can achieve her goals for her family.

On a different note, I have not seen Ms. Joan during my 2 previous visits at the bank. Ms. Joan was the one who helped us open an account for my niece last year. I wonder if she resigned. Good thing that the teller who attended to me last Thursday maybe still remembers me because when I requested for my niece’s COP, she did not ask for my ID anymore and she knew which family name to look for. Thank you, Ms. Teller. Note to self – get the teller’s name on my next visit.

How about you? Do you have family members abroad? Any tips for OFWs so that their hard earned money won’t go to waste?