At the time I shared this, I really didn’t know what to do next. The next day, I went ahead and paid for her balance even though I wasn’t sure yet whether I would like to continue to support her or not anymore. But I told her that she will need to pay me back because it was not part of what we agreed upon prior her school. And I did not talk to her after. And I was still disappointed with her behavior after I have paid for her tuition.

When I went home for All Saints Day, we did not talk. I deliberately avoided talking to her because I still don’t know what to do with her.

After much thinking though, I decided to give her one more chance, her last chance that is, if her grades were ok. I texted her to ask what her plans are. She said she would still like to continue her studies if there’s a chance. I told her to email me her grades and the total amount for her second semester then I’ll decide. She did, and fortunately for her (and a little relief for me), she had good grades. Her lowest was 87. And so I told her to go ahead and enroll. This time, I’ll just be the one to deposit her tuition and maybe I’d have to do that every month. But I’d rather go that route than be stressed again later on should she decide to spend it elsewhere. Also, lesser temptation for her. And while I’m still mad at what she did, I will again take this risk with the hope that she has learned her lesson and all I’m asking from her is to take this chance while I still can help her so that she’ll be able to stand on her own soon and provide for her and her daughter.

As for her parents, I’m not sure if they knew about it. Haven’t asked them because I knew I would still be emotional and I don’t want to do that with the whole family present. Plus, I don’t want to confront them, especially my sister because I know I can be harsh to her and for sure, what I’ll get will just be silence. Dagdag frustration.